Digi Piggy Saving App
About the Project
Digi Piggy is an app designed to help students in college to save and budget their money.
January ' 19 - April ' 19
My Role:
User Research, Prototyping, App Design
Our goal is to design something that is efficient, not time-consuming for students to not feel like it’s a hassle or tedious to budget but feels financially secure and rewarded after each transaction, so a solution needs to be designed because students need assistance in budgeting and organizing their money.
Opportunity Statement
Interviews and Lofi Prototypes
Top 3 Ideas from Ideation Phase
1) Electronic Piggy Bank
2) Digi Piggy App
3) Reward System
Based on the dotting votes from our users and their feedback of the ideas
Users prefer a digital app rather than a piggy bank (portability)
Fun but simple app to tell their remaining budget of their spending
Reward system was a great way to encourage to get free things such as coffee and feel proud of their spending accomplishments
Based on our research data we created two different personas that represent